She Knewe Exactly What to Do for the Baby Afterward

PASTTime (�������)



1. Cull the best answer.

Commonly, whenever Peter(one)........home from a trip he(2)..............his passport in his desk-bound drawer, but in January, after a trip to Poland, he(3)..............his passport in the pocket of his overcoat. Two weeks subsequently, he(4) to Thailand. While(five)..............his purse he(6)..............that he(vii)..............a note of the name of the hotel that his company(8)..............for him. He(9)..............for his flying online earlier that forenoon, but he(ten)..............about the hotel details. While he(11)..............his part, the doorbell(12)................His taxi for the airdrome(13)................He(14)..............the details of the hotel,(15)..............his bag and(16)..............out of the house. He(17)..............forward to a few sunny days in Bangkok. While he(18) prissy it would be to walk around the city without heavy winter apparel, he suddenly(19)..............that he(twenty)..............his passport in his overcoat.


A was returning



D returning


A had put

would put

was putting

D puts


A had left


was leaving

D leaving


A was having to

has had to

had to

D would accept to


A packed


had packed

D packs


A was realizing



D realizing


A hadn't made

didn't make

wouldn't make

D wasn't making


A was booked



D had booked


A was checking in

had checked in

checked in

D used to bank check in


A forgetting


had forgotten

D was forgetting


A was phoning

had phoned


D phones


A rung


was ringing

D rang


A arriving

go far

was arriving

D had arrived


A was noting

used to annotation


D noting


A picked up

was picking upwardly

had picked upward

D picking up


A ran


was running

D run


A looked

was looking


Dhad looked


A had thought


was thinking

D would call up


A remembered


was remembering

D remembering


A leaving

had left

was leaving

D was left

two.Underlinethe most suitable verb course in each sentence. The first one is washed for you.

oneI all of a sudden remembered that I forgot I had forgotten my keys.

2While Diana watched / was watching her favourite television programme, there was a power cut.

threeTom used to alive / would live in the firm at the terminate of the street.

4Who was driving /drove the car at the fourth dimension of the accident?

5By the time Sheila got back, Chris went / had gone.

6David ate / had eaten Japanese food before, so he knew what to society.

7I did / was doing some shopping yesterday, when I saw that Dutch friend of yours.

8I used to like / was liking sweets much more than than I do now.

nineWhat exactly were you doing / did you lot practice when I came into your office yesterday?

xLaura missed the party because no-one was telling / had told her about it.

11Tanya would / used to exist a doc.

3.Put each verb in brackets into a suitable past verb grade. Simply utilize the by perfect where this is absolutely necessary.

1While I (try) …...... to get my automobile started, a passing car (stop)...................................and the driver (offer) help me.

iiThe law (pay) attention to Jos complaint because she (phone)...................................them so many times before.

threeMary (non wear)..............................her glasses at the time, so she (not find)..............................what kind of automobile the man (drive).....................

4Nick (prevarication)...................................down on the grass for a while, adjacent to some tourists who (feed)...................................the ducks.

5Tony (admit)...................................that he (hitting)...................................the other automobile, but said that he (not damage)

viDeplorable, I (non listen) you. I (recall)..................................virtually something else.

7Helen (feel)...................................very tired, and when she (finish)............................ her work, she (fall)...................................asleep.

viiiThe police force (get) Toms firm as fast as they could, but the burglars (disappear)....................................

nineI (telephone) lot concluding dark but y'all (non answer)..........................What (yous do)...................................?

xNosotros(not become)...................................out yesterday because it (pelting)................................

4.Decide whether the verb grade in italics is suitable or unsuitable.

oneWhile I had  a bath, someone knocked on the door. ….............

iiSally didn't  go  to a boxing lucifer earlier......................

3Harry tried to repair the motorcar, but he didn't actually know what he was doing.

4What did you wear to the end-of-term political party?.....................

5 Were  you eating  spaghetti every day when you lived in Italy?........

6I didn't know you had bough t a new car......................

7They all wanted to believe her, but suspected she was lying ...........

8As Peggy walked home, she tried to retrieve what happened ....

nine'What a terrible twenty-four hour period!' thought Lucy. Everything had gone  incorrect!

10Although information technology rained a lot, I was enjoying  my holiday last year.........

vPut each verb in brackets into a suitable past verb form.

The Search for the Lost City

When Professor Mallory, the famous archaeologist,(1)...invited..............(invite) me to have part in his expedition to observe the Lost City of the Himalayas,1(2)..............................(not hesitate) to have

his invitation. Mallory(iii)..............................(discover) an ancient map showing the position of the city, although no European(four)...............................(always get) to the area before. In fact, near of Mallory's colleagues either(v)..............................(believe) that the city(6)..............................(never exist) or(7)..............................(feel) that it(8)..............................(vanish) long ago and(9)..............................

(get) but a fable. According to the Professor, the builders of the city(x)..............................(hide) it among the mountains in order to protect its immense riches. He(eleven)..............................(believe) that the descendants of these ancient people(12)..............................(still keep) themselves apart from the rest of mankind for the very same reasons. Then when nosotros(13)..............................(fix off) on a cool May morning time towards the afar mountains, each of us(14)..............................(await frontwards) to heady discoveries. For a week or more we(15)..............................(climb) higher and higher, following the map, which Mallory(16)..............................(report) from fourth dimension to time. Then i afternoon, while we(17)..............................

(remainder) at the top of a valley, we(xviii).........................(notice) that a rider on a horse(19).......................(moving ridge) at united states of america from the other side of the valley. A rider whose clothes(twenty)..............................(shine) similar golden!



6Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown. Apply a participle clause.

1Norman collected the parcel, just then he realized it was the wrong one.

Afterward collecting the parcel Norman realized it was the incorrect one.

2Sue left the house but first she checked that she had her keys.


3Mark was parking his car when he noticed the wing-mirror was broken. While..................................................................................................................

4Julia cleaned the house, but then she cruel asleep on the sofa.


5Brian bought a new telly, simply get-go he checked all the prices. Before.................................................................................................................

half dozenAlan was skiing in Switzerland and met his one-time friend, Ken.


7Kate took two aspirins, and and so she felt a lot better.


8Sheila went out for the evening, but starting time she washed her hair.



      i .1.C2.B 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.A eight.D nine.B x.C xi.A 12.D 13.D 14.C 15.A 16.A 17.B

            19.a twenty.B

  1. 1.had forgotten. 2. was watching. three. used to live. 4. was driving. 5 had gone. 6. had eaten. 7. was doing. 8. used to like. 9. were yous doing. 10. had told. 11. used to.

  2. 1.was trying,stopped, offered. 2. paid, had phoned. three. was not wearing, didn't notice,was driving. 4. lay, were feeding. 5. admitted, had hitting, hadn't damaged. 6. wasn't listening,was thinking. 7. felt/was feeling,finished/had finished, fell. 8. got, had disappeared. 9. phoned, didn't answer, were you doing. 10. didn't go, was raining.

  3. i.unsuitable. 2. unsuitable. 3. suitable. four. suitable. v. unsuitable. six. suitable. 7. suitable. 8. unsuitable. 9. suitable. ten. unsuitable.

  4. 1.invited. 2. did not hesitate. iii. had discovered. four. had e'er been. five. believed. vi. never existed/ had never existed. 7. felt. 8. had vanished. 9. become/ had become. 10. had hidden. xi. believed. 12. were however keeping/still kept. 13. prepare off. xiv. was looking forward. 15. climbed. 16. studied. 17. were resting. xviii. noticed. 19. was waving. 20. shone/ were shining.

  5. 1.After collecting the parcel, Norman realized it was the wrong one. two. Before leaving the house, Sue checked that she had her keys. three. While parking his machine, Mark noticed the wing-mirror was broken. 4. After cleaning the house, Julia fell comatose on the sofa. 5. Before buying a new television receiver, Brian checked all the prices. 6. While skiing in Switzerland, Alan met his old friend, Ken. vii. Later taking two aspirins, Kate felt a lot ameliorate. eight. Before going out for the evening, Sheila washed her hair.


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